Sexual Assault

You Are Not Alone.
We Are Here To Help.

If you have had your life changed through wrongdoing by another, you may feel powerless, vulnerable, or even afraid. We understand. Whitney Betts has extensive experience representing survivors of Sexual Assault. Betts Law Group will fight for you to help you recover your voice, find your strength in joy, and reclaim your power.

Female listening with her hands folded
Betts Law Group Raw

Sexual Assault And Violence Refer To Any Sexual Activity Where Consent Is Not Granted Or Freely Given.

Sexual assault often results in traumatic injury, which presents differently in different persons. Blaming yourself, being ashamed, embarrassed and uncomfortable with how you reacted or acted in the moment is not the solution. You are not at fault. There is no one clear roadmap on how you are to act in a traumatic situation or how you are to respond immediately thereafter. Do not let fear of judgment prevent you from speaking up. Use your voice. Betts Law Group is here to help you elevate it.

Survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse often feel powerless and without a voice. You may feel that there’s nothing you can do, but there is. Through the civil law court system, survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse can achieve justice through obtaining monetary damages for the trauma inflicted upon them and suffering endured.

Pursuing your aggressor in civil court allows you to reclaim your voice not only against the direct perpetrator who harmed you; but, also against all of the contributing parties involved who allowed the assault to occur or supplied the environment for the crime.

 We will help analyze the exact moments of your traumatic assault, but when, if anyone it was reported to afterwards, and who helped protect and insulate the perpetrator from recourse, often known as ratification of their actions. If you reported the incident to your perpetrator’s employer, and nothing was done, there may be an argument that the employer ratified their conduct. We will work with you, and we will investigate on your behalf to hold all accountable and get you the justice you deserve.

Types of Sexual Assault Lawsuits Betts Law Group Handles:

  • Childhood Sexual Abuse
  • Lyft & Uber Driver Sexual Assault
  • Therapist Grooming and Sexual Assault
  • Improper Conduct in Medical Facilities
  • School District Incidents
  • Massage Therapist Assault
  • Rehab Facility Assault
  • Institutional Abuse
  • Institutional Cover Ups
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse
  • Lyft & Uber Driver Sexual Assault
  • Therapist Grooming and Sexual Assault
  • Improper Conduct in Medical Facilities
  • School District Incidents
  • Massage Therapist Assault
  • Rehab Facility Assault
  • Institutional Abuse
  • Institutional Cover Ups

Are You Looking For Someone To Help?

Speaking out about sexual violence in civil court is about much more than monetary compensation. Betts Law Group will fight to get you the justice you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can It Be Sexual Assault If I Know My Assailant?

Yes. In fact, most sexual assault incidents occur between persons that are known to each other. They can include casual acquaintances, business associates, relatives and intimate partners. It can also be sexual assault if you previously gave the person consent but did not on the incident in question.

Can I Have A Civil Lawsuit If The Police Are Involved?

Absolutely. Those who commit sexual assaults can be criminally prosecuted under various State and Federal Criminal statutes and be held liable in Civil Court for the harm caused to the survivor of their acts. Even if there is not a police report or criminal conviction, in California, anyone who has been a victim of sexual violence or assault may file a civil claim for damages.

What Types Of Compensation Are Available?

Sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse are traumatic injuries, unbearable by their very nature, which often lead to long term emotional distress, mental anguish, disassociation, and physical pain. Survivors can recover compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and punitive damages for those who engaged in intentionally harmful or reckless behaviors.

Do I Really Need A Sexual Assault Attorney?

You may not have the words to properly express and identify the trauma you went through, nor the energy to fight. Having an attorney after you have been sexually assaulted can help you reclaim your power, elevate your voice, and regain your strength. A sexual assault attorney can help you obtain accountability for those who protected your assailant, achieve reforms to improve the culture of the workplace environment that permitted this horrible act to occur, obtain public admissions of guilt and set the record straight. 

What To Do After A Sexual Assault

Get somewhere where you feel protected and call a loved one for support or survivor hotline. Once you calm down and are supported and safe assess if you need medical care. You may need to be examined for evidence gathering and can be prescribed preventative medication for possible sexually transmitted infections as well as treated for any physical wounds you may have suffered during the assault.

As soon as you are safe and medically treated, you should seek legal help immediately thereafter. We can help advise you of your rights: we can let you know if you should allow or refuse exams and questions, what sort of actions you can take to protect yourself from such an assault happening again if the perpetrator is known and still in your life, and how to help you preserve the evidence to prevail against your wrongdoer should you choose to pursue criminal action or civil lawsuit later on. Once you are safe, medically evaluated, and legally protected you should get professional counseling. It is important to recognize that your boundaries have been violated and work to reinforce them in a safe space.


Our free consultations are a safe space for you to tell us your story and ask any questions you have. Your call is confidential.

Legal Protection

We will support you in speaking with the police and will work with you to build the civil case to secure you compensation.

We Take Care

Betts Law Group will fight to get you the justice you deserve. You are not alone. Let us elevate your voice.

1. Planning Your Case

Contact us for a free phone consultation or schedule a convenient time for a video consultation. We will discuss what happened to you and determine if we believe you have a legal case to pursue against your wrongdoer. Time is of the essence.

We will protect your rights. Betts Law Group will identify the court filing deadlines, also known as statute of limitations, applicable to your case. We move quickly to preserve evidence, document facts, and identify witnesses to build your case.

2. We Do Not Get Paid Unless We Win

Betts Law Group works on contingency fees, meaning we do not get paid – and you do not owe anything – until we win. We are vested in getting you the absolute best recovery possible.

We believe in rights for survivors. Survivors have suffered a loss of power at the hands of another. Betts Law Group can help elevate your voice, regain your strength, and recover your joy and power.

3. We Litigate Your Case

The legal process can be long and arduous. Most things worth fighting for are. We will handle the case from our first discussion with you, evidence gathering, pre-litigation demands, early negotiations and litigating the case all the way through trial to get you justice.

We provide regular communication and case updates while we handle the heavy lifting of your fight for justice. We make it as easy and seamless for you as possible.

4. We Get You Justicce

Betts Law Group will be relentless in pursuit of truth and justice. We will hold all persons responsible for the trauma and pain you have suffered and will not back down. We will advocate for you until you are satisfied with a settlement, or we will march together to the jury to obtain a just resolution for you.

Your Voice Is Important

The hardest part is speaking up. Let us carry the weight the rest of the way.

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