Professional Athlete Injuries

Betts Law Group represents current and former athletes with pro sports injuries in claims before the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

With Betts Law Group in your corner, you’ll feel confident and assured that your pro sports injury claim is in good hands. Whether your goal is to settle your case as quickly as possible or have your day in court, Betts Law Group will make the process as simple and efficient as possible. Betts Law Group will diligently investigate your career and injuries to determine if you qualify to file a California workers’ compensation claim. It is our goal to get you compensated for your pro sports injuries.

Advocacy For Injured Athletes

From the injuries you played through to ongoing pain that developed over years, dealing with the reality of pro sports injuries can be stressful, confusing, and upsetting. It is important to have powerful legal representation and to receive just compensation. It’s your future. You committed to the team and suffered injuries. Commit to getting taken care of now and into your future. Let Betts Law Group fight for you.

Playing Pro Sports Is An Extremely Strenuous Occupation

Most athletes play with and through injuries and pain every game. Even if you were never on the disabled list or missed games due to an injury, you probably experienced pain and soreness that was treated by team trainers with ice, heat, physical therapy, and injections. Without adequate treatment, these injuries continue to linger well after your career is over.

Betts Law Group Can Get You Compensated For Your Injuries

You are entitled to compensation for the totality of the effects of the injuries you experienced during your pro sports career, which is known as a cumulative trauma injury. The effects of a cumulative trauma injury may not be apparent during your career and can manifest years later.

Your Team Took Care Of You To Keep You In The Game

Now they must take care of you after you finished playing. Your recovery for your pro sports injuries may include compensation for temporary disability, permanent disability, life pension, and future medical care. Compensation is most commonly in the form of a one-time lump sum cash settlement. Betts Law Group will help you navigate your pro sports injury claim with ease and efficiency.

Playing Pro Sports Is An Extremely Strenuous Occupation

Most athletes play with and through injuries and pain every game. Even if you were never on the disabled list or missed games due to an injury, you probably experienced pain and soreness that was treated by team trainers with ice, heat, physical therapy, and injections. Without adequate treatment, these injuries continue to linger well after your career is over.

Betts Law Group Can Get You Compensated For Your Injuries

You are entitled to compensation for the totality of the effects of the injuries you experienced during your pro sports career, which is known as a cumulative trauma injury. The effects of a cumulative trauma injury may not be apparent during your career and can manifest years later.

Your Team Took Care Of You To Keep You In The Game

Now they must take care of you after you finished playing. Your recovery for your pro sports injuries may include compensation for temporary disability, permanent disability, life pension, and future medical care. Compensation is most commonly in the form of a one-time lump sum cash settlement. Betts Law Group will help you navigate your pro sports injury claim with ease and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

What You Need To Know

Betts Law Group exclusively recovers compensation for athletes injured during their professional sports careers. This compensation is workers’ compensation benefits to which professional athletes are entitled, but few know about.

Betts Law Group will file your claim for workers’ compensation benefits with the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) on your behalf. The benefits you are entitled to include temporary disability, permanent disability, ongoing and future medical care, and vocational rehabilitation. Most cases result in a tax-free cash settlement.

Who Is Eligible?

Any current or retired professional athlete that signed a contract or orally agreed to a contract while physically present in California and/or played for a California team or California affiliate of a team based outside of California is eligible.

What Injuries Are Eligible?

There are two types of injuries for which you may be entitled to compensation: specific injuries and cumulative traumas. A specific injury is an injury that occurred due to a specific incident while you were playing in a practice or game. A cumulative trauma is an injury that onsets over time due to the daily wear and tear of playing pro sports. The effects of a cumulative trauma injury may not be apparent during your career and can manifest years later.

What Do I Get?

Your recovery includes compensation for the injuries you suffered during your career, ongoing physical limitations, and any future medical care needs—most commonly in the form of a one-time lump sum cash settlement. Betts Law Group is extensively experienced in negotiating these settlements and knows how to maximize your recovery. Settlements vary on a case-by-case basis.

Why Should I File?

In short, because you are entitled to be compensated for your injuries that occurred during your pro sports career.

Professional sports teams are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover injuries for their current and former players. In most cases, the team has already paid for this insurance and your claim is paid by the insurance carrier, not the team itself. The team was supposed to notify you that you were entitled to these benefits; but, most do not.

The bottom line is you are entitled to compensation for your injuries and the insurance was already paid for by the team.

Your team took care of you to keep you in the game. Now they must take care of you after you finish playing.

When Should I File?

The sooner the better. It does not matter if you are a current player or long retired. However, you need to file within 1 year of learning of your right to file. Betts Law Group will help you navigate this process to get you the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries from your pro sports career.

What Does It Cost?

Betts Law Group works on a contingency fee basis, so there is no fee to you unless we obtain benefits via an award and/or a cash settlement. In California, attorney fees for workers’ compensation claims range from 15% to 18%. However, if Betts Law Group does not recover any benefits or a cash settlement, there is no cost to you.

See If You Qualify

Get started today. No recovery, no fee.

"*" indicates required fields

Have you ever played for a California team or California affiliate of a team not based in California?*
Have you ever signed a contract or agreed to a contract while physically present in California?*
Were you ever a resident of the State of California during your playing career?*

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, and suffered injuries during or as result of your pro sports career, you are potentially entitled to benefits including a potential cash settlement. Click "Send Now." Our attorney will review your information to determine your eligibility and contact you within 24 hours.

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