
Speaking up takes courage. We support you.

Sexual Harassment Is A Form Of Discrimination That Takes Place In The Workplace

It can be traumatizing and leave you feeling helpless – stuck in an unequal position of power in a job you need, want and worked so hard for. Employees have specific rights throughout the state of California. We can help you understand your rights under California labor and employment laws and fight for you when you’ve been harassed by supervisors, co-workers and other colleagues.

Professional woman in distress

Sexual Harassment Comes In Many Forms: Verbal, Written, Visual, Physical And Quid Pro Quo

Verbal sexual harassment includes requests for sexual favors, unwanted sexual advances, and various disparaging insults or sexual remarks and intrusions. It can be sexual harassment even if the harasser does it “as a compliment.” It’s not. Harassment can be insulting.

Written Sexual Harassment can transpire via email and text sent to you or about you, printed notes, and online posts whether meant for your eyes or not.

Visual sexual harassment can include putting obscene or sexually suggestive materials out in public places, showing you sexual texts or photos, watching pornographic material, drawing sexual or violent images, and sharing lewd images.

Lastly, before actually crossing the line and sexually assaulting you, physical harassment can include unwanted hugs, shoulder rubs, or hovering in your personal space and/or playing sexually explicit and suggestive music nearby.

There is also quid pro quo harassment, when an authority figure being a boss, religious leader, cop, doctor, teacher or guardian demands sexual compliance and exchange for something you want, need, or are rightfully entitled to.

Let Betts Law Group Advocate For You

We can get your issues resolved and help you to recover your voice, your strengths, and your joy.

If You Feel Like You Have Been Treated Unfairly Or Discharged Illegally, Contact Betts Law Group Immediately To Discuss Your Options

Betts Law Group represents those who have suffered discrimination or harassment based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin or disability, who have been retaliated against and wrongfully terminated, and those whose wages have been stolen in San Diego and throughout Southern California.

As an employee, you have the right to equal treatment under the law, to be paid properly, to have a meal and rest breaks, to take pregnancy or disability leave, to care for your family, and have the opportunity to return to work thereafter. You have the right to have your medical condition or disability accommodated by your employer if that means you can then perform your job. You have the right not to be harassed or discriminated by your employer because of who you are, and you absolutely have the right not to be retaliated against for pointing out violations of the law or for setting your legal rights. Be strong.

What Is Wrongful Termination?

Wrongful Termination occurs if you were fired or laid off for reasons that are in violation of state or federal employment laws, including discrimination, retaliation for reporting sexual harassment or other workplace misconduct and contractual violations. Betts Law Group is experienced in labor and employment matters including discrimination and wrongful discharge. We can help you understand your legal rights based on your circumstances.


Betts Law Group Will Help You Navigate Complex Employment Laws

There are technical barriers that the experienced employment team at Betts Law Group can help you with to proceed with your employment claim. If you work for a public agency, you may need to first file a California Government Tort Claim. Or, you may need to file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing for claims related to age, disability or medical condition, requests for disability leave, gender, marital status, medical leave, national origin, pregnancy or related condition, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or retaliation for reporting conduct reasonably believed to be illegal, including harassment or discrimination.

If you have been discriminated against or wrongfully terminated, let Betts Law Group advocate for you. We can get your issues resolved and help you to recover your voice, your strengths, and your joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

I Can't Focus And Am Underperforming Because Of Sexual Harassment. Is This A Case?

Yes. A hostile work environment is where unwanted sexual conduct interferes with your work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. The harassment must be so severe OR pervasive that any reasonable person in the victim’s position would have considered the work environment to be hostile or abusive. Conduct that is occasional, isolated, sporadic, or trivial is not considered severe or pervasive. If your ability to do the duties of your job is impacted by the sexual conduct you see, hear or otherwise encounter and suffer from, you may have a case for sexual harassment.

What If I'm Still Employed?

We need to immediately assess your situation and if you are still employed, see if we can rectify and resolve the problem for you without sacrificing the job you worked so hard for. If the dispute cannot be resolved, we may need to negotiate a severance agreement. If that cannot be done, we will file your lawsuit, fight for the evidence that proves your case at trial, and we will together gather and put on the evidence that shows how your employer supported the harassment and explain how deeply you were harmed.

Can My Harasser Be The Same Sex As Me?

Yes. The law makes no distinction on gender of the harasser. Sexual harassment can be presented in many scenarios, regardless of same or different gender of the harasser and harassed.

What Types Of Compensation Are Available?

Survivors of sexual harassment can obtain back pay, including wages, salary, and fringe benefits that you would have received from the point at which you were denied employment or promotion due to your harassment, as well as compensation for your emotional distress, pain and suffering, and mental anguish. Frequently, attorney’s fees and punitive damages are also available. We can seek compensation for front pay, in cases where reinstatement or preserving your job is not possible.


Our free consultations are a safe space for you to tell us your story and ask any questions you have. Your call is confidential.

Legal Protection

We will support you in speaking with the police and will work with you to build the civil case to secure you compensation.

We Take Care

Betts Law Group will fight to get you the justice you deserve. You are not alone. Let us elevate your voice.

1. Planning Your Case

Contact us for a free phone consultation or schedule a convenient time for a video consultation. We will discuss what happened to you and determine if we believe you have a legal case to pursue against your wrongdoer. Time is of the essence.

We will protect your rights. Betts Law Group will identify the court filing deadlines, also known as statute of limitations, applicable to your case. We move quickly to preserve evidence, document facts, and identify witnesses to build your case.

2. We Do Not Get Paid Unless We Win

Betts Law Group works on contingency fees, meaning we do not get paid – and you do not owe anything – until we win. We are vested in getting you the absolute best recovery possible.

We believe in rights for survivors. Survivors have suffered a loss of power at the hands of another. Betts Law Group can help elevate your voice, regain your strength, and recover your joy and power.

3. We Litigate Your Case

The legal process can be long and arduous. Most things worth fighting for are. We will handle the case from our first discussion with you, evidence gathering, pre-litigation demands, early negotiations and litigating the case all the way through trial to get you justice.

We provide regular communication and case updates while we handle the heavy lifting of your fight for justice. We make it as easy and seamless for you as possible.

4. We Get You Justicce

Betts Law Group will be relentless in pursuit of truth and justice. We will hold all persons responsible for the trauma and pain you have suffered and will not back down. We will advocate for you until you are satisfied with a settlement, or we will march together to the jury to obtain a just resolution for you.

Your Voice Is Important

The hardest part is speaking up. Let us carry the weight the rest of the way.

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